Pilates-inspired strength training
Slow and controlled movements with perfect alignment and technique. Focus on glute & core work because strong glutes mean good pelvic alignment and also... booty
Bodyweight or use whatever equipment you have at home for added resistance (eg. dumbbells, kettlebells, cans of beans)
Low impact interval training, to get the heart rate up, get sweaty, hate it all the way through, and finally feel damn good afterward and want to do it all again... next week.
Stretch & Mobility
When your body is restricted by being inflexible, you can’t move through your natural range of motion. This is often where pain occurs. The goal of this class is to work on strength around the joints and flexibility
Vinyasa flow (perfect for beginners or experienced yogis)
30 Day Glute Challenge
10 minutes a day. 30 days. YOU IN? Peach queeeeens.